Status Archives


We’re taking a few weeks off from the show and will be back in December to round off the season with a few special episodes. But of course all past episodes are archived so please feel free to catch up on shows you’ve missed or revisit your favourites. Tell your friends and help get the word out about South African music… it is the secret that should not be kept!

We’ve moved over to the Mixcloud platform recently, which is very stable and offers some professional features (like telling you what track is playing, for example). Mixcloud also offers free listening apps for iPhone and Android, or you can listen online, and even create a free account to track your favourite podcasts.

Check out our new Mixcloud profile here:

See you after the break!


Sleep well Madiba. Thank you for everything. Hamba kakuhle. Tomorrow, in honour of the passing of the Father of the new South Africa, we will have a special Madiba show with a exclusive musical tribute from the Toby Tobias Ensemble.