In this special episode, Brett sits down to with Michael Cross – director of the new James Phillips documentary “The Fun’s Not Over” to talk about James Phillips, documentary making, the South African music scene of the 1980s and 1990s and a bit of life, the universe and everything. Between chewing the proverbial cud, they manage to play some great records from James’s discography, featuring his solo work and the many bands he was a part of. The interview is an near-essential companion to Michael’s film for anyone who can’t get enough of Mr Cross’s can insights into his subject matter.
This episode features:
- James Phillips
- The Cherry Faced Lurchers
- Bernoldus Niemand & Die Swartgevaar
- Corporal Punishment
- Illegal Gathering
- The Lurchers
- Chris Letcher
- Not The Midnight Mass
The film is available to rent online and buy on DVD. See for more details check out
The excellent soundtrack from which we took most of today’s show is available via Bandcamp:
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